Recognization & Accreditations of SYMK Institute Of Hospitality Management

SYMK Institute for Hospitality Management is proud to take particular pride in the fact that it is affiliated with Singania University, Jhunjhunu, an affirmation of our dedication to delivering high-quality education and maintaining high standards of excellence. The school is accredited and recognized through Singania University, a reputable institution that is known for its dedication to academic excellence and quality control.

Singhania University, Jhunjhunu:
SYMK Institute of Hospitality Management is proud to be associated with Singhania University, situated in Jhunjhunu. Singhania University is recognized by regulators and authorities and ensures that the educational program that is offered by SYMK Institute is of the highest standards for quality and relevance.

The recognition we have received from Singhania University underscores our dedication to providing a program that is in line with the needs of industry and encourages the overall development of our pupils. This endorsement increases the quality of the courses that are offered in the SYMK Institute and equips students with a diploma that is recognized in professional and academic circles.

In addition to the recognition, SYMK Institute of Hospitality Management is accredited by Singhania University. These accreditations act as confirmation of our institution's quality and prove that the institute follows the established standards regarding facilities, faculty quality, and academic quality.

Benefits of Singhania University Affiliation

• Global Reputation: Singhania University's name is internationally and nationally recognized for providing our students with an education that is recognized and valued globally.

• Quality Assurance: The affiliation assures us that our institution operates within the standards of quality assurance established by Singhania University, maintaining high standards of academic excellence.

• Industry Relevance: Singhania University's academic program and curriculum are created to be affluent to the requirements of different industries, so all students that they are prepared to succeed in their careers.

• Continuous improvement: Being a part the Singhania University allows us to be involved in a continual assessment and improvement process that is self-evaluated making sure that our programs continue to evolve to meet the ever-changing needs in the industry of hospitality.

Recognitions & Accreditations

Ranking Of Indian Institute Of Management

  • As per law, Universities do not require AICTE approval. Only institutions which are affiliated to Universities require approval. As University is a Bonafide University established by a State Act, it does not require AICTE approval. This standing of law is notified in the case of Bharathidasan University Vs AICTE. Click Here to view copy of the relevant judgement

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