Institute of Logistics And Aviation Management is one of the top University in Dehradun, Uttarakhand. Here are the details about Institute of Logistics And Aviation Management - Courses, Fees, Placements, cut off, Ranking, Facilities, Reviews.

Institute of Logistics and Aviation Management Latest Updates

Institute of Logistics and Aviation Management (ILAM) is one of the top-ranked university in Dehradun, with an excellent academic curriculum, placements, facilities, and esteemed faculty members. Institute of Logistics and Aviation Management is admission open 2024 accepting applications for all UG and PG courses for the academic session 2024-25. Institute of Logistics and Aviation Management Dehradun provides Scholarships for student's academic excellence and extracurricular achievements, also offers Merit-Based Scholarships for candidates based on merit scores in JEE, CUET, CAT, XAT, LSAT, and NATA. Interested candidates can apply to their preferred course by visiting the official website.

Here are some other Updates are as follows:

  1. The Institute of Logistics and Aviation Management has recently conducted a placements drive for the 2024 passing out batch students and provides handsome salary packages.
  2. Institute of Logistics and Aviation Management is also accepting applications from International Candidates for UG, PG, Diploma, and Certificate courses.
  3. Institute of Logistics and Aviation Management Dehradun offered 100% Scholarships to eligible candidates based on their academic excellence and extracurricular achievements.
  4. Record-breaking placements by Institute of Logistics and Aviation Management average salary package offered INR 7.5 LPA during the placement drive.
  5. Institute of Logistics and Aviation Management, Dehradun has world-class infrastructure facilities for students and staff.

Institute of Logistics and Aviation Management, Dehradun is the most advanced and prevalent Logistics and aviation learning solution Provider in India. ILAM is the pioneer in India to introduce courses in Logistics and Aviation Management. ILAM has been offering BBA & MBA programs in Logistics and aviation Management as full-time Programs in conjunction with PRIST University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu (a UGC Recognized university under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956). In use at numerous Logistics and aviation companies, ILAM builds the skills companies need to put the right product in the right place at the right time. Students at ILAM benefit from the insights, experience, and knowledge of a team of experts from the Industry. These experts have contributed substantial content and knowledge to their courses, providing learners with access to leading-edge thinking and best practices in Logistics and aviation operations and strategy.

Accreditation and Ranking

Institute of Logistics and Aviation Management is Recognised by the University Grants Commission (UGC).

Courses Offered

Institute of Logistics and Aviation Management, courses are offered at various levels like Diploma Degrees i.e Diploma in Aviation Hospitality and Travel Management, Diploma in Tourism & Travel Management, etc. Undergraduate Degrees i.e. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Fashion Design, BBA (Logistics Management), etc. Postgraduate Degrees i.e. MBA (Aviation Management), MBA (Logistics and Supply Chain Management), and so on. You can also find a brief overview of the different courses offered by the university across various disciplines with their specializations on the Course page.

ILAM, Dehradun, is synonymous with excellence in logistics and aviation education. The institute is distinguished by its commitment to providing a holistic learning experience that goes beyond traditional classroom teachings. ILAM places a strong emphasis on practical exposure, industry interactions, and experiential learning, fostering an environment where students can develop a deep understanding of the logistics and aviation domains. With a faculty comprising industry experts, ILAM strives to instill a passion for innovation, leadership, and ethical practices in its students, preparing them to make significant contributions to the logistics and aviation sectors.

Institute of Logistics And Aviation Management, Dehradun campus life

Campus life at Institute of Logistics And Aviation Management, Dehradun is just phenomenal. The Institute of Logistics And Aviation Management, Dehradun, Uttarakhand and its Campus life provides lots of extracurricular activities like talent in dance, singing, art, literature, anchoring, event management, modelling and drama. Institute of Logistics And Aviation Management Dehradun campus life and environment is lively and friendly. The premises have sufficient facilities- medical help, food, and departmental store, etc. to fulfil every need of the students.

At Institute of Logistics And Aviation Management campus you get chance to groom your personality, learn something new. Also, All the festivals are celebrated with extreme enthusiasm at Institute of Logistics And Aviation Management campus Dehradun so that students feel like home. Sports meet and annual college fests are huge stages for students to showcase their talent. Once you will graduate you will definitely miss the Institute of Logistics And Aviation Management, Dehradun campus life.

ILAM for Admission Process

The Admission Process for ILAM is designed to identify and admit candidates with a keen interest in logistics and aviation, coupled with the potential to excel in these fields. ILAM considers various factors during the selection process, including academic performance, entrance examination scores, and personal interviews. The personal interview is a crucial component, allowing the institute to assess the candidate's communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and alignment with the institute's values. ILAM's holistic approach ensures that the selected students contribute to and benefit from a collaborative and innovative academic environment.

  1. Industry-Integrated Curriculum: ILAM's curriculum is designed in collaboration with industry experts to ensure that it remains current and relevant to the ever-changing dynamics of logistics and aviation. The institute integrates real-world case studies, industry projects, and guest lectures to provide students with a comprehensive and practical understanding of the sectors.

  2. Global Perspective: Recognizing the global nature of logistics and aviation, ILAM incorporates a global perspective into its programs. Students may have opportunities for international exposure, collaboration with global industry players, and insights into international best practices, preparing them for a globalized professional landscape.

  3. Technology Integration: ILAM understands the pivotal role of technology in modern logistics and aviation. The institute integrates cutting-edge technologies into its curriculum, ensuring that students are well-versed in the latest advancements, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and data analytics, relevant to the logistics and aviation industries.

  4. Internship and Industry Placements: ILAM places significant importance on practical exposure through internships and industry placements. The institute collaborates with leading logistics and aviation companies to provide students with hands-on experience, allowing them to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios and fostering a seamless transition from academia to industry.

  5. Soft Skills Development: ILAM recognizes the importance of soft skills in the professional world. Alongside technical knowledge, the institute focuses on developing students' communication, teamwork, and leadership skills. Workshops, seminars, and personality development programs contribute to the holistic development of ILAM students.

Cutoff 2023

The cutoff for the academic year 2023 at ILAM, Dehradun, is a benchmark set to ensure that students admitted to the institute meet the necessary academic standards. The cutoff is determined based on factors such as academic performance, scores in entrance examinations, and the overall competitiveness of the applicant pool. Prospective students are advised to stay updated with official announcements and guidelines to understand and meet the necessary cutoff requirements for their desired programs.


ILAM, Dehradun, acknowledges the financial considerations of pursuing quality education and may offer scholarships to deserving students. These scholarships may be merit-based, need-based, or awarded based on specific criteria outlined by the institute. By providing financial assistance, ILAM aims to make education accessible to talented individuals and support their academic journey.

ILAM for Facilities

State-of-the-Art ClassroomsILAM provides modern classrooms equipped with audio-visual aids to facilitate interactive and effective learning experiences for students.
Logistics and Aviation LabsSpecialized labs equipped with the latest technology and equipment enable students to engage in practical experiments, simulations, and hands-on learning in logistics and aviation.
Library and Resource CenterThe institute's library is a comprehensive resource center with a vast collection of books, journals, and digital resources related to logistics, supply chain, and aviation management.
Computer LabsILAM's computer labs are well-equipped with the latest software and technology relevant to logistics and aviation, providing students with a platform for practical applications.
Mock AircraftILAM may have a mock aircraft on campus, providing students with a simulated environment to learn and practice aviation-related procedures, ensuring practical exposure to the industry.
Accommodation FacilitiesOn-campus accommodation facilities offer students a secure and comfortable living environment, fostering a sense of community and convenience for those pursuing their studies.
Cafeteria and Dining SpacesThe institute's cafeteria provides a variety of nutritious meals, snacks, and beverages, offering students a comfortable space to relax and socialize during breaks.
Auditorium and Event SpacesWell-equipped auditoriums and event spaces serve as venues for seminars, conferences, workshops, and industry events, enhancing the overall academic and industry exposure for students.
Sports and Recreational FacilitiesILAM promotes physical well-being through sports facilities, including grounds and indoor game spaces, providing students with opportunities for recreation and relaxation.
Wi-Fi ConnectivityHigh-speed internet connectivity across the campus ensures that students have seamless access to online resources, research materials, and communication platforms.

ILAM for Training & Placement

ILAM, Dehradun, places significant emphasis on training and placement, recognizing the importance of practical exposure and industry connections for students' successful transition into the workforce. The institute collaborates closely with leading logistics and aviation companies to design training programs, workshops, and industry visits. ILAM's placement cell plays a pivotal role in connecting students with potential employers, organizing internships, and facilitating campus recruitment drives.

Students at ILAM benefit from exposure to real-world challenges and practical experiences that enhance their employability. The institute's strong industry connections ensure that students have access to diverse job opportunities in the logistics and aviation sectors. ILAM's proactive approach to industry engagement, coupled with its focus on skill development and practical training, contributes to a high placement rate for its graduates.

Recognition & Accreditations

  1. International Affiliations: ILAM may hold international affiliations with reputed institutions and organizations in the logistics and aviation domains. These affiliations demonstrate the institute's commitment to providing a globally relevant education and fostering international collaborations for the benefit of its students.

  2. Industry Partnerships: ILAM's strong partnerships with leading logistics and aviation companies validate its standing within the industry. Collaborations with industry leaders contribute to the institute's ability to offer practical insights, industry-relevant curriculum, and enhanced placement opportunities for its students.

  3. Accreditations from Regulatory Bodies: ILAM, Dehradun, may hold accreditations from relevant regulatory bodies in the logistics and aviation sectors. These accreditations validate the quality of the institute's programs and its adherence to industry standards, contributing to the credibility of ILAM's education offerings.

  4. Alumni Success Stories: The achievements of ILAM's alumni stand as a testament to the institute's effectiveness in preparing students for successful careers. Alumni who have excelled in the logistics and aviation industries contribute to the institute's reputation and serve as inspirational figures for current students.


ILAM is country’s pioneer institute focusing on specialized industries in Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Aviation, Design, Banking, Automobile & Competitive Exams.


To be an institution of global standing for making job ready professionals in industries of tomorrow. Fill the vacuum created due to lack of skilled manpower in Logistics & Aviation industry by imparting innovative and intellectually challenging education in the segment.


  • classroom Institute of Logistics And Aviation Management (ILAM, Dehradun) in Dehradun
  • group pic Institute of Logistics And Aviation Management (ILAM, Dehradun) in Dehradun
  • cafeteria Institute of Logistics And Aviation Management (ILAM, Dehradun) in Dehradun
  • campus overview Institute of Logistics And Aviation Management (ILAM, Dehradun) in Dehradun
  • group pic Institute of Logistics And Aviation Management (ILAM, Dehradun) in Dehradun
  • lecturre theater Institute of Logistics And Aviation Management (ILAM, Dehradun) in Dehradun
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