Accreditation and Rankings of FMS Delhi

Faculty of Management Studies (FMS), Delhi, holds an enviable position in the world of educational management. The Faculty is associated with the famous University of Delhi, one of India's most revered and well-established institutions, FMS has a strong academic history and a tradition of excellence. This affiliation guarantees that FMS students can access an elite educational environment and have access to the faculty, resources, and infrastructure of the prestigious University of Delhi.

FMS, Delhi, also is accredited and recognized by The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). This accreditation is a testimony that the school is committed to ensuring high-quality education and providing an excellent education to students. The NAAC evaluation process evaluates a variety of aspects of a school, such as its infrastructure teaching methods, and research outputs, as well as overall quality of education. The accreditation of FMS by NAAC confirms its commitment to maintaining these standards and providing top-quality management education.

FMS's impressive position in national surveys further bolsters its standing. For instance, in the Outlook 2023 rankings, FMS achieved the 9th spot among the top public MBA institutions in India. This is a testament to the institution's position among the best government-run MBA schools in the country where academic rigor as well as the highest quality of management education are of paramount importance. Furthermore, in the Business Today 2022 rankings, FMS was ranked 9th among the most prestigious B-Schools across India. This is a testament to its importance as a renowned school for business education that is renowned for its proficient and competent managerial professionals.

FMS Delhi's affiliation with its sister institution, the University of Delhi, accreditation by NAAC, and its impressive scores in national surveys demonstrate its commitment to providing top-quality management education as well as its constant efforts to maintain and improve its status as a top management school within India.

Recognitions & Accreditations

Ranking Of Indian Institute Of Management

  • As per law, Universities do not require AICTE approval. Only institutions which are affiliated to Universities require approval. As University is a Bonafide University established by a State Act, it does not require AICTE approval. This standing of law is notified in the case of Bharathidasan University Vs AICTE. Click Here to view copy of the relevant judgement

  • The National Assessment and Accreditation Council is a government organization in India that assesses and accredits Higher Education Institutions. It is an autonomous body funded by the University Grants Commission and headquartered in Bangalore.

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