Eternal University Training & Placement 

The Training and Placement unit at Eternal University fosters collaboration between the university and the corporate sector, actively seeking opportunities for students' professional growth. It plays a crucial role in aligning with students' career aspirations, organizing activities such as webinars and seminars to aid in informed decision-making regarding employment and higher education. Additionally, an entrepreneurial cell within the unit supports students interested in entrepreneurship ventures.

Eternal University Training & Placement

The Training and Placement unit at Eternal University was established to foster collaboration between the university and businesses, aiming to provide opportunities for budding professionals. The placement cell at EU Sirmaur actively seeks avenues for career growth for students, aligning with their future career aspirations. Through webinars, guest lectures, and seminars, the Eternal University Training and Placement Cell equips students with the necessary skills and knowledge for successful employment or further education, both in India and abroad. Additionally, the entrepreneurial cell supports and nurtures students interested in entrepreneurship, fostering innovation and enterprise.

Eternal University Placements - Top Recruiters

Fortis Hospital InfoStride Farelabs
Landmark Group Hippo Innovations Vetision
Practo Sopra Steria Pega
Nagarro Medanta Coca Cola

Eternal University Internship Opportunities

Eternal University offers internship opportunities with reputable organizations, enabling students to gain practical experience aligned with their academic curriculum and career aspirations. These internships provide invaluable hands-on learning opportunities, allowing students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings. By partnering with esteemed organizations, the university ensures that students receive exposure to diverse industry sectors, enhancing their professional development and preparing them for future career endeavors.

Eternal University Placement Drives

Eternal University regularly organizes placement drives, inviting leading companies to the campus to recruit students. These placement drives provide students with opportunities to interact with potential employers, showcase their skills and qualifications, and secure job offers. By facilitating direct engagement between students and recruiters, the university aims to bridge the gap between academia and industry, ensuring successful career transitions for its graduates.

Eternal University Industry Interaction

The Training & Placement Cell at Eternal University prioritizes regular engagement with industry professionals to stay abreast of emerging trends and evolving requirements. This proactive approach ensures that the university's training programs remain relevant and aligned with the dynamic needs of the job market. By fostering ongoing dialogue and collaboration with industry stakeholders, the university aims to enhance the employability of its students and facilitate successful career transitions upon graduation.

Eternal University Skill Enhancement Programs

The university organizes a diverse range of skill enhancement programs aimed at nurturing students' technical, communication, and soft skills. These programs include workshops, seminars, and guest lectures, providing valuable insights into industry best practices and emerging trends. Through hands-on learning experiences and interactive sessions, students have the opportunity to refine their abilities and acquire the competencies needed to excel in their chosen fields.

Eternal University Alumni Networking

The university harnesses the strength of its alumni network to offer mentorship and networking avenues for current students. Through various initiatives and events, students have the opportunity to connect with alumni who can offer valuable guidance and support in their academic and professional journeys. These interactions facilitate knowledge sharing, career advice, and potential job opportunities, enriching the overall student experience and fostering a sense of community and continuity within the university ecosystem.

Eternal University Training Sessions

Before the commencement of formal placements, students undergo comprehensive training sessions aimed at refining their professional skills and enhancing their readiness for the corporate world. These sessions include mock interviews, where students receive valuable feedback and insights to improve their interview performance. Additionally, specialized training programs focus on developing essential soft skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership. By equipping students with these vital competencies, the university ensures that they are well-prepared to excel in the competitive job market and make a smooth transition from academia to the workplace.


Basic Information About The Training & Placement

  • amazon
  • accenture
  • Bajaj
  • GMR
  • HSBC Bank
  • Mahindra Tech
  • Nissan
  • Tanishq
  • walmart
  • Wipro
  • Zomato
  • Mankind
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